Is too much knowledge dangerous?

Today is 12th august, 2009. After a long time, there is a full stop to my academic exams and revision tests of subject wise. But, only for one week, then, again the same marathon race will start about the files and piles of books...... let it be. We have to do it for our career. So, now, for some minutes and particularly, at the moment, let’s come out of the chemical, physical, and mathematical library to thoughts of a literary minded with the Guru Tagore’s ideas and in the Shakespearian language with Sherlock Holmes suspense including Jules Verne and Charles dickens’s humour.

Ya, ya I at least know the names of these great and authentic writers, poets, authors........ But i am not going to write anything of that standard. I am a comedian and I want that by reading, my writings, one would try to think something which they would have never dared to or had never imagined also. 

So, I start............

Why everyone is crazy in this world to increase their knowledge in everything!! What is the use and where is the utilization?? See, everyone knows that when we are going to leave this earth, all our materials will also be left. So, why to waste time and our chemical brain by filling it with so much of massala fixed knowledge. Yes, up to some limit we should gain and acquire education for survival. But, for throughout our life, why should we read books to increase our general knowledge which would be later, literally, will be thrown away inside the dustbin.

In our early age we should gain a lot of degrees in general knowledge because it is a necessary to build up your future. But in your middle age why to gain g.k., only read that much which will be enough for someone to survive. I mean to reserve your post i.e. your job, you have to do that much.

But usually I have seen that people really don’t understand this. They think that reading books will keep them informed about everything. But in my viewpoint, after a certain age one should try to start to think that when i will be absent in this world, i will be present in the hearts and streets throughout my lifetime works and tasks. I mean, although each of us cannot become as famous as Gandhiji, Einstein or madam curie or R.K.Laxman..... but, at least we can learn from these great people how to rise in this passionate earth. We should try to do things which will be worth remembering for mankind. In my opinion we should try our best to do something, something that will be appreciated or be useful for a part of the community. I mean that when we are dead like stones, the future generation don’t treat us as stones but preserve us in their hearts as diamonds.

In my 17 years experience, till today i have met with people having varieties of mindset and with a colourful character. I would like to tell about few who have an inborn passion for studies and books.

My grandma who had passed away had a real thirst for knowledge. Her English language was so crystal clear that she could have easily written beautiful articles which could have been published. But she was as she was, till her last week of her life she continued reading her holy books and all other types of books. Ya if i think practically, books were best friends of my grandma, she cannot live without it, it was her life. I don’t say that she never utilized her knowledge; she utilized it on her children and to us, her grandchildren. But how many members of this world would remember for this reason? Only some of her near and dear ones and also some people who have loved her character a lot. So..... that was all of my grandma who could have explored this but didn’t.......nevertheless, gave me a lesson at least............


  1. yes in my opinion practical/field knowledge is quite important.BUT,one need to know the theoretical part to implement it.U dont need to know by everyone in ur community.the basics never change as at the end of the day the question arises how far have u quenched u r thirst for knowledge.knowledge is something u cant take it even if u kill a person.fame & name are just the icing on the cake. so i dis agree in some way and sorry if i am wrong

  2. thanks for such kind comments
    and i agree that theoretical knowledge is also very important in todays practical world


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