Moving House
“Soft computing” is giving into imagination and if you are armed with imagination, the world lies at your feet. I believe that in today’s India with a growing population of 1.2 billion, every family, big or small, rural or urban, would be hard pressed for a sizable house. But for an average middle class Indian family to build a conventional house is prohibitively costly. And for the rural poor and those below the poverty line, house is sometime a dream. But I have a dream that houses could be made in an unconventional way, in a way that would make it easier to build the parts in a short time and can be quickly dismantled whenever there is a need to shift to a new place. Modern textile industries can be exploited to weave tough flexible material which can be strutted in the inside by flat aluminum plates. A wall, for example can be made up of such two layers like that of a bag that has no opening. Now such a bag can be inflated with an electric air pump. If...