Fani - The Glamorous Storm of 2019

My Conversation with Nature!
You were phenomenal.
Your performance was an eye opener to humanity.
You were a great messenger from the Almighty.
You were a superficial power and showed your furiousness with humbleness.
You explained the planet that nothing is impossible.
You gave this world the definition of terror.
You showed that there are many dimensions of a scene.
You displayed all the errors and mistakes humans did.
Your dangerous eyes targeted few specific areas.
Your anger could be felt as ferocious as possible.
You caused issues not just for humanity but to trees, animals and all things.
You were an alert to the earth that nothing can exist if you don't want.
You were an alarm to the tiny creatures that they are not the rulers but it's you.
You were someone who made everyone realise that they can't control anything if you don't want.
You proved that though you can be suspected but you can't be prevented by we, the miniatures.
You redefined our management of events.
You were a Colossal mass within whom we all can be smashed.
You frightened by your actions and sounds.
Your sound, dance and forms were unexpected, unwanted and unfortunate.
You came with a pleasant atmosphere and then your mood reached to a threshold till you exploded and stopped.
You took tests of million people including engineers, artists, architects and doctors.
You were so giant in size that not just a kid but even a wrestler will shake and frozen by your fright.
Your sizzling and screaming sounds were so so terrible to the ears of your smallest of creatures, querying what mistakes have we done and why are you punishing us!
Your Initial moments of arrival made all excitement but the final stage made us do prayers for saviour!
You showed that if we want to tackle with you, we need to be much stronger.
You played the show of a coach by performing much better than us.
You came once way back in 1999, you taught us many lessons then too.
You must be impressed by our efforts to save our mother Earth! But you again made us realise we need to improve a lot.
Your deeds made us stronger and next time whenever you feel like knocking us, though we will never welcome you but we will fight with you again with our better weapons.
You are not our enemy but we will remember you in our memories as our coach and a guide!
You became an emotion to lakhs of crowd who gave a realisation of importance of unity and patience.
I will always pray that in this lifetime you should never again come and never try to destroy whatever we made!
But you need not ever be invited! You are an important reply to all the sinners of this world, that you are the best and they can't try to become better by doing bad deeds.
I wish that you also do miracles for the good deeds your creatures are executing! I really wish you gift them equally without any partiality!

Dear Nature, be fair!!!
You destroyed your own creation!!!
You have given us brains, we just tried to save us as we are not that great to save trees and other creatures!
Why you destroyed their lives! Why you destroyed their families! Why are you smashing your own creations!!!
I think the answer is just one, you are not liking our actions of destroying your creations to create our own. You are very very unhappy with us. You wanted to scream that if we want to learn destruction, you are better than us! You can destroy everything you create, so it's a knocking Bell for us from nature to save our environment!!!
Let's join hands together and contribute to the betterment of our mother Earth and make it as green as it was!!! We will again plant ten times of the number of trees which are uprooted!
We accepted the challenge, Fani!


  1. Nature answers:
    Dearest Parameeta you have misunderstood me completely. I do not have any intention of harming you and all your brothers and sisters, or destroy all my creations which I love so dearly. When a teacher is teaching in class and a student is not paying attention, but writing something else in his notebook, what does he do? He admonishes the student and maybe, twich his ears to make him remember it. If he still does not listen, he punishes him. As a last resort he tears away the pages in his notebook and asks him to write the lessons he had been teaching.

    I have to resort to a similar style. When the earth was young it was full of rivers, trees, beautiful birds and it was so designed that humans, animals and environment coexist without harming one another. Then the humans gradually became greedy and wanted to have the entire world to itself They destroyed birds and animals for food and pleasure, cut down the trees to make place for building their own houses, while destroying the habitat of other creatures. I warned them several times by creating droughts at some places and floods at some other places. Many of my dear creatures died in the process, but it failed to to reform them. Instead, they went one step further and started killing each other on flimsy pretexts. Then I had to show them my anger and destroy what they had constructed, in a very limited way, to make them realize the pain it gives me when they destroy my other creations.

    There is another very important reason to come occasionally in all my fury and power. I am committed in saving the earth from destruction. This means that living creatures must be able to survive. For this, they need to have a copious supply of air in the form of wind, to keep the temperature uniform. But, as an engineer, you know that for the wind to sustain itself it must receive energy from some source, otherwise, its energy will soon die out due to frictional losses and the earth will become a dead planet. So, the cyclones draw energy from the ocean surface and lifts it to the upper atmosphere to sustain the general circulation of the wind system and thus preserve life.

    Now, Parameeta will you be kind to me and remember that my intentions are always for the good of all my creations!

    1. Yes🙂 I understood Mother Nature's attempt to explain us.


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