An adorable love Story ended on this day!

The love story ended but the love will never die. The love will travel generations together, its pragmatic fragrance will radiate all around, and consequences will go on producing ever ending strong bonds and relationships hereafter.  I believe I am lucky that I have sensed the selfless, pure and true love. The love which defined what relations mean, the love which blended different mind-setup people all together with a strong torrid rope, the love which can only shower good and optimistic approach and has no space for any negativism.
It is the story of a lady who originated from India’s one of the most sacred land where the Holy Ganges flows, the famous Prayag point, Allahabad, the city very rich by its cultural heritage. She was destined to move to eastern side of India to bestow all her teachings there. She who spoke pure Urdu influenced Allahabadi Hindi became a most beloved person in the crowd of Bihari’s, and became extremely valuable in the city of resources, Ranchi. This was not the end rather the uncertain life journey kept more thrilling adventure ahead in her life. She needed to see the sweetest soul of India, where too the mighty Ganges resides, Calcutta. And the destiny gave her the last surprise, the visit to the Southern Eastern part of India, Puri Dhaam where her chapter of life’s last pages were imprinted. 

She was a very educated daughter of a British timed Civil engineer, teacher of her son, daughters, nephews, nieces, grandsons and granddaughters, a strict disciplinarian who followed virtues of Swami Vivekananda, memorized hundreds of poems and read thousands of great literary works of Tagore, Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Tulsidas till her last day, and a staunch believer of Bhagwad Gita. She was a perfect example of an ideal Indian educated women in the year 1930’s who applied what education meant in her real life. I don’t remember a single word of her against any type of person or incident. If I believe god, because I

She became my guide of almost all languages, may it be Bengali or English or even at times Hindi. Swami Vivekananda’s teachings were embodied within me at a very early age by her. She is my granny who left me alone and passed away on this very day, nine years back. The sweet enduring love story between the grand daughter and her granny was ended by a full stop by the most powerful, the almighty, the universal dynamic Creator and the world’s magnificent Director. The biggest truth in this universe ‘Death’ became my weapon and dragged my love from me, snatched my most special, closest, dearest friend away from me.

Already two years back from then I had felt and understood what death meant. I lost my paternal grandma whose bed used to scream silently that never will I be able to irritate my grandma, never can I squeeze her old age wrinkled cheeks, and never will she call my mom’s nickname with her shivering voice.  I have seen death very near that time and I realized late that she is a gone cloud who will never return back to save me from my mother’s beatings but can only shower her blessings from her present home, the heaven.
The two of my dearest friends I lost in my life within two years. I can always feel them but can never again touch. But they are always with me through their voices in the corridors of my home, through their teachings and they will be my best examples and ideal characters in this modern India.


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