Hug problems with a smile :)

Parameeta’s Prabachan :P

There are so many cases in the news of girl suicides...reason might be family pressure or relationship problem or society abuse or career failure or unknown facts! I feel girls are too sensitive and they get carried away by their emotions! I am not asking you to become a robot. Emotions within us only define us as human beings. But time heals everything and you are snatching a big piece of your time period by even thinking about this. '

Addressing mainly girls in my friends list, don't prove yourself coward by committing this crime! Truth is, till today girls are not at all independent, sometimes she will depend upon her father or brother, else on boy friend or husband, throughout their life! 

Yes, parents are the only precious people whom you can depend upon. But never bother about the society and friend circle, everybody will change according to you. Your this weak action will just prove you are a loser and a coward.

Don't forget you have been given this beautiful life to do something beautiful, don't spoil Almighty's creation in this heinous manner! There is always a solution to all big problems! World won't stop rotating in your absence, but you will loose the opportunity to experience the better part of the creation. You will not be able to do wonders which you could have! 
There is an open door to all your thoughts, don't fall into the dark well of negative ideas.  Please open up yourself, there are so many friends of yours with whom you should share and they will love to solve it, there should be anyhow no reason to be depressed. There are so many people who love you, care for you, just start counting them and you will see half of all your worries will go. 

We have come alone and will die alone! In this journey their will be innumerable people who will be counted important to you and you too will be a part of their life. Some of them you will know and some will be your hidden admirers. You just know that your death will be just like stabbing your close ones from the back and you have no idea that how much will your secret followers and admirers get hurt.
You will no more remain their ideal. 

So I believe whenever we feel anything to this extreme, lets imagine faces of our parents, siblings, besties and specially these unknown hidden admirers. Don't you want to explore those secretive faces in your lifetime. Don't you want to recognize those followers and respect that they follow your ideologies. Keep life simple! Just enjoy every special moment. Do whatever you want just by not hurting others. Spread Smile all over! :)

Always live like a joker. Even when you are sad, you should smile to make others happy. This should be our only motive of life. This will be your real success and achievement in your life. Whenever you are in a problem, think that there are much more people who are facing much bigger problems. Then you will feel yourself as the luckiest person in this world. 

Each one of you should promise yourself that you will never ever think of doing this. We haven't come ourselves to this world, and therefore we have no right to leave it by our choice. 

By default we have to accept the creator gift  known as “life” and keep it worth.
:) :) :)


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