Loss of the unknown innocence!

Though today was a very normal office day but with flashback of all those childhood days because of a very old friend........ Made the day fill with hilarious joy and spread with full of sweet fragrance... We chatted after years together but the common memories proved as if we met just yesterday :)

We used to play cricket everyday in the evening.. The great jagannath math field adjacent my house where all the Little boys and girls gathered together after School hours... Hide and seek used to be an everyday show stopper .... Badminton practice in spring and winter, unending carom in the rainy season !
Such days existed in past in this Life only.....unbelievable it seems now!

We had no idea of the boundaries in this society, No sprinkle of discrimination between boys and girls, no fear of community, just selfless love between each other when we never ever understood the word friendship or any relation.. 

The beautiful childhood days with thousands of fights everyday, and again the next day we all met as none remembered anything of the last days incident.
Thank God we never knew what ego means! 

Now we can realize ego and attitude are dangerous which can spoil relations in seconds. :( 

Where went those innocence... Why each one of us started getting matured... Why we made Life complicated! 

Higher class studies were the reason! Destroyed Life, wasted my regular Odissi dance classes, spoiled everyday evening games! People started going tuition in the same time and we started becoming dullards, idiots and kept on drained into the caves' hollowness of exams and competition. 

We started forgetting to enjoy Life and the bull shit practical journey began where nothing exist except selfishness, competition and ignorance. 

But I am again defining my own life where nothing should exist except the selfless love, friendship and humanity with no expectations from anyone! :)


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