My Tutorial Life - Tuition

Yeah, it is surprising to hear the word ‘tutorial life’. It is common to think about the memories of college or school life but this is a ‘tuition life’.

Really after I completed my school final, I am seeing the walls of coaching class rooms. Before we entered the entrance gate of Ravenshaw College, we got views of our tuition sirs. And, we rarely visit our great famous Ravenshaw College because we don’t get any benefit of attending classes except attendance shortage. It is not that the teachers are horrible students but are not good tutors. Their career background might be excellent but they are not using their knowledge when interacting or communicating with us.

So it is known to all that for coaching classes teaching, we are safe today. Otherwise, there would be no exam conducting and we would not have been that serious, so, at the end of the day, “we don’t know anything” this would have happened to us. In Ravenshaw there is only name and fame but having no gain.

In school, in my batch I was the one who used to go to least number of tuitions. I went to English tuition from class nine and for 4 to 5 months for computer application. Yeah, I remember those dreadful days when we had to visit our school computer teacher in the tuition.

This unusual human being is “xxx” (many can guess who r my classmates). I felt that tuition room to be a prison for all of us. Although, to the prisoners, some part of freedom is given but in that classroom we were like a puppet or a robot or a machine who had to bear continuously the horrible English pronunciation, all ‘unheard’, ‘rustic’, ‘hurting’, dialogues of Oriya language.

For the students I felt she was a terrorist. One of my cousins was a student of her who had scored 100 in ICSE. And, this cousin influenced my parents to send me to this teacher because then only she would give good marks in my project. It’s true that I scored 98 but I give 98% credit to my elder brother dada and else 2% I owe to myself. Yes, because I can’t give any credit to this teacher who has frightened us, discouraged us and did all the wrong things which a mother-in-law can do with her daughter-in-law and even no dangerous animal can behave in that manner with their enemies.

Now, when I think about her, I feel she was a psycho. She was mad. Her tone is rememberable. It was a real horrible rustic tone having no modulation or no full stops in her scolding. I had prayed for her, for the worst things which can happen to a person. You know, I had asked god even to give her “death sentence”. But, now I apologise for that. I had wasted a lot of time by narrating her statements and caricaturing her tone and others. But, now I don’t curse her anymore because, may be that she had prayed for all of us for the best and I think she was successful because out of 70, approximately 60 or more have got above 80 and 4, got above 100 and many like me have got nearer to 100. At least 30 might have got above 90. So, I apologise again for cursing her so much who was not as bad as we felt.


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