Trio-power nations

What is my dream India?

The dream to see India at high position, India becoming a developed country, highly technologically advanced, country with immense wealth...........this is a dream of a common man.

But my dream is to see a different India where on both sides of the Indian map, once again, her 2 sisters would reunite again and would enjoy the past glory of 1947. The things which we studied in our history book that Pakistan and Bangladesh were all a part of India; we can see this in front of our eyes and can experience the amalgamation behind this unity.
At present Pakistan and Bangladesh are hanging and India is just holding them and giving them support. But, when they reunite, everything would be united, the wealth, the army, the cricket team, the hockey team............and it would become triple talented nation.

This is fully possible as India’s culture, background; history is same as Pakistan’s and Bangladesh’s. We can mingle with each other and in the united nation we would leave rather very peacefully and would become one of the most powerful nations of the world. We would be competing in Olympics, commonwealth games and no more USA would dominate the entire world. This triple-nation will lead the world to a peaceful era and also worldwide every country would prosper with the help of this newborn nation.

This would be the most wonderful fact which could ever happen in this world. Each one of us has the democratic government, our constitution would be same but to avoid disputes we would have 3 national languages. The world will imbibe inspiration from this dream nation.

You might be wondering what rubbish I am speaking!!!!! But believe me this is not impossible. By a click so many problems would be deleted. This is the most practical thing which these countries can ever think. The reason of this division was neither due to the 3 countries citizens but Britishers’ divide and rule policy was responsible for this. So, when Britishers’ have left, India and the other two countries have got independence, thy why would we remain divided. To increase our naval strength, our position in this modern world, to become technologically most advanced, to use science at its best, to make a position at every field and at every department, we can do this easily.

If the eastern and western Germany can be reunited by breaking the Berlin blockade, India can also do it. India’s citizens are also broadminded and so they can also think about this situation and make it a very successful one. We can always learn lessons from the past.


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