After 60 years of independence - India's still trying to wipe the tears of the poor!

It is really merciful to see India still still suffering from severe poverty, illiteracy and backwardness. After sixty years of independence, India is still known as the developing country. India is a huge nation containing a huge population of one billion. It is a very difficult task to make our nation and to equalize its status with the powerful nations of the world.

If you compare India with United States of America, then what U.S.A. is today, may India will become like them after another fifty years. At that time India will be again known as the backward nation if she is compared with U.S.A.

It is not that India is lacking in talents but the main thing is that it is not found or those talents are not used properly. The main reason is that especially in India, the rich can only survive lavishly and here; the poor are usually ignored and uncared.

We cannot judge India’s condition by seeing our densely populated towns and the rich metropolitan cities like Mumbai or Kolkata. To see India, visit her villages. To see Indians, visit the Indian farmers. In my opinion government has to take number of measures and steps to develop specially the rural areas. There are innumerable problems, which the government has to face, and which we cannot ignore. Illiterate Indian farmers are not willing to leave their children to study in schools, so how would India try to overcome her shortcomings.

The cream students and India’s talents are present in her villages. India, having such a large population should make use of it. It is true, nowadays we see in the television and read in the headlines of the newspapers that a rickshaw pullers son was the topper of the I.a.S. exam, tea vendor’s son got the first rank in medical entrance exam and more good news.

We, the Indian citizens of tomorrow, are given topics to write about our dream India. It is just to score marks in our board exam and not to apply that in our real life. Starting from school teachers to our parents, everybody is encouraging us from now that we should go abroad and do jobs outside India to show our talent their. Is this the way to respect our motherland? But this is taught us to us from our childhood. Another example is that Indians always blame the politicians for this condition of our country. But are they themselves doing anything for India. I think most of them are corrupted in their own field. And the main thing is that our knowledgeable and educated parents do not encourage us to become the leaders of India. The picture Nayak has shown this that everyone does not becomes corrupt in the political field. If one really wants to do good things for India, no one can stop him.

The main thing is that the government officials are not using their powers properly. Yes, may be that the leaders, police, and almost all the government officials are corrupted, but to remove this corruption, the good citizens of India should not only make comments but should also enter into the field of politics. We should always remember that to change the system, we have to be in the system.


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