For Expats & Indians - Master in Germany?


  • Who am I?
    • A commoner like you, who once dreamt of exploring outside India.
    • In 2015-2016, I searched for Master's programs abroad.
    • The USA was not a feasible option due to costs.
    • Discovered affordable courses in German universities.
    • Successfully enrolled in Aachen University.

Initial Challenges

  • Language Barrier
    • Advised that German is essential for survival.
    • Managed with basic German as my course was in English.
    • Job opportunities were limited to English-speaking roles.

Professional Experience

  • Early Career

    • Secured a job in a big firm.
    • Initially happy with good salary hikes and a positive work culture.
  • Emerging Challenges

    • Learning curve starts dipping
    • Work became stressful with a toxic environment, self-doubt, and lower social interaction.

Moving Forward

  • Seeking New Opportunities
    • Decided to leave the toxic environment.
    • Began searching for new roles within and outside the firm.

Financial Considerations

  • Salary Expectations
    • Salary is a significant factor for 80% of Indian students.
    • Living outside India involves sacrifices.
    • Initially enjoyed travel, but later realized the high cost of living.

Life as a Student in Germany

  • Surviving as a Student

    • Possible to earn money through part-time jobs.
    • Technical jobs are easier to find with prior experience.
    • Many students end up in labor jobs like KFC, McDonald's, and factories.
  • Duration of Master's Program

    • Friends in Canada/UK complete Master's faster.
    • In Germany, it often takes over 3 years due to various challenges.
  • Job Search Post-Master's

    • Freshers struggle to find jobs without prior experience.
    • Non-IT and non-English fields require strong German skills.
    • Competing with local students who have better practical knowledge.

Salary Realities

  • For Experienced Professionals
    • Those with 2-3 years of experience in India might still be paid as freshers.
    • Higher salaries are found in countries like Canada, USA, Australia, Sweden, and Switzerland.
    • Germany has one of the highest tax rates (around 42%).

Additional Hurdles

  • Cost of Living and Driving License
    • High costs associated with obtaining a driving license.
    • Requires significant time and financial investment.


  • Is Germany Worth It?

    • Germany offers exposure to European cultures and industries.
    • Current economic situation in Germany is challenging.
    • Not the best choice for Indian students at the moment due to inflation and policy changes.
  • For Those Determined to Come

    • Germany excels in automotive and mechanical engineering sectors.
    • Success requires self-confidence and perseverance.
    • Indians are resilient and can adapt to any situation.

Final Thoughts

  • Bring Colors from India
    • Embrace the cultural diversity of Europe.
    • Contribute to making Germany a more vibrant place for expats.


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