My technique of painting a landscape

Playing with colors is one of my favorite hobbies from when I have identified the different colors. I am fond of observing the color combination of everything, starting from the feathers of a bird to the cushions of the furniture.

Painting is a type of imagination with immense philosophy. Writing a nature poem is a part of painting. Thinking the color of the sky during sunrise, the moods of the booming flowers, the smile of the far visible hills, the friendly touch of the leaves and the sweet love of the squeaking birds, every part of your thought can produce painting.

I express my feelings towards nature by throwing color on the paper. I consider my painting bushes to be the creator’s instruments and I start reflecting all my thoughts and imaginations on the paper sheet.

Mixing the color is one type of art. It is jut like playing with water in the sea shore. You have to run your brushes through the paper just like the soothing breeze and then only the colors would spread like the waves.

For painting a landscape, one have to just enjoy every part of nature, every bit of the sounds of the creature, every taste of the colorful fruit and every attracting smell of the flowers, then only the painting would be realistic and appealing to the eyes.

As colors are very important in life, every color has an individual significance. From some basic colors one can produce thousands of colors of different shades by just overlapping and stirring one color with the other. Shades are very important in any drawing because even in our life also, there are two shades produced, one is the darker side and the other one is the brighter side. No such element exists in this planet which does not have two shades. Many techniques have to be kept on mind during painting. It is not any mathematics that one would remember formulas but to be a good painter, one has to learn how to use the brushes and how to handle them and move them along the paper. When one follows this technique, he just had to love and copy the nature which he can see in his naked eyes at every moment.


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